Monday, 10 December 2012

Ideas/Drafts for digipak

A digipak is what comes with the album, it is normally made up of a front panel, back panel and two middle panels, the front panel is made up of some sort of image that is of the band or that represents the band.
The digipak theme will come down to the genre of the music video that I am making more than anything, it won't look right if i'm making a rock music video but the digipak is bright colours with rainbows and clouds, it just wouldn't match and thats the key to making a digipak, making it flow, letting the audience know that the music is a certain genre, if they see a bright coloured album cover and digipak they won't know that it is a rock music album. 
A classic convention of a Rock album cover is to have a cartoon on the front, this might be because the band want the image to represent the music on the album, there might be more of a meaning to the music to the band then just promoting themselves. I'm not going to use this idea for my album cover because I want to promote the band themselves as well as the music.

The band that we are using the track of is called Orson, i will also be using this band name, their album covers will be a lot like the one that I will create for my music video and album. This is because the genre is the same as theirs, their genre is rock. An example of their album cover is in the previous post. 

Idea 1. 
My ideas for the album cover were to have a black or white background and have a silhouette of the band of a medium size somewhere on the cover, there will be bright colours that look like strobe lights coming out of the silhouette, this will be to be exciting but will still show the genre in an obvious way. 
The bright colours will make it interesting without changing the genre of the album cover too much, the silhouette will show that it may be mysterious but the lights will show that they are coming out of the lights, which may show that the band are trying to change their image and start something new.

Idea 2. 
This idea is based on humour,  this is clear because all 4 of the members of the band will be wearing or will have drawn on fake moustaches, it would be black and white and they would be dressed in casual clothes, this will show the fact that they are pretending to be something their not and that they like to have fun. This would link in with the video because at the beginning of the video when the band member wakes up, the camera will show the mise-en-scene of the bedroom, there will be beer bottles/cans around the room and also there will be photos of the band members with fake moustaches drawn on the photos, this will make it funny and will link nicely in with the album cover. The back cover will have the same kind of theme but will have the song names on the back so the image will probably be faded into the background, this will make the writing stand out on the black and white image, the writing will probably be bright white, so it stands out on the faded black and white image of the background. 

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